21 June 2005

Summer Solstice and Full Moon tonight!

So rehersals for the Masque are every night this week until 9pm! Last night was not too bad because it was a beautiful summer night and there was the almost full moon that rose over the tall pine trees at Saint-Gaudens like a watchful eye in the sky checking out our play.

Tonight is the Summer Solstice! Longest day in the year and hopefully a clear night to see the full moon of June! So if you are feeling a little off kilter today...just blame it on the energy and force of the moon high up there in the sky!

Masque of the Golden Bowl - Performed at Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site
Friday, 6/24 & Saturday, 6/25 - 6:00 P.M. - Sunday, 6/26 - 2:00 P.M.
Admission to the performances will be FREE and there will be lawn seating – bring blankets and/or lawn chairs.

The event celebrates the 100th anniversary of a pageant (or play) held to honor sculptor, Augustus Saint-Gaudens. The original pageant performed in 1905, “A Masque of ‘Ours’ or the Gods and the Golden Bowl” was written by Louis Evan Shipman with the prologue by Percy Mackaye, both of the Cornish Colony. The performance will be on the original pageant location by the “Temple” in the meadow below “Aspet”, Saint-Gaudens’ home.


Buoy Stretcher said...

ahhhh, doesn't get dark until after 9pm...that means one extra ski set!!!

look forward to coming up to see one of the three shows this weekend!!! :)

LJN said...

Whoa Babe, Looks great...now I gotta read it!!

KJW said...

Can't wait!