10 October 2006

Nanny arrives with new Saucer!

Well it took Nanny and Doobie to put this new exer saucer together for Miss Monet, but they managed and yes she likes it. I think she may have been a bit over stimulated the first go around, but I'm sure she will get used to it. We just need to find a place for it when she is not in it!!

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LJN said...

a virtual disneyland in our Livingroom!!! (Michelle, I capitalized "Livingroom" just for effect)

LadyIrish said...

Well, I hope it keeps her busy little mind and body happy and busy fir a bit of time every day. Thanks, Doobie, for finishing the project-I just ran out of time!

WildRose said...

Looks like a lot of fun!!!!