We spent the weekend at Myrtle Beach, SC for Doob's cousin's, Mike, wedding. It was nice to see some relatives we don't get to see very often and showing off our daughter of course.
The rehersal dinner was at a Thai resturant and Monet and I are ready to go in the photo below. She had pears, but Doob and I enjoyed pineapple fried rice and coconut ice cream!

We spent a few minutes on the beach on Friday. Just Monet and I, as daddy was playing golf. It as COLD and windy, but we just pretended that it was 80 and we had our bathing suits on.

Here is the bride and groom with Doob at the rehersal dinner. This is not what she wore at the wedding believe it or not, this was traditional Thai wedding attire they wore for this night only.