29 January 2007

Mt Washington Weekend

We had such a great time this weekend! Monet was spoiled with LOTS of attention, fancy dresses and bowls of fruit that weighed more then she did! Thanks again Mum and Ev for making the weekend possible! Can't wait until next year...maybe even a bigger table........?!?!

24 January 2007

Shake Shake Shake

We are staying warm here in western NH. Monet has found some new toys...the shakers that were our wedding favors. She thinks they are pretty cool and loves hitting them together. I think she is defiantly a musician in the making!!

17 January 2007

Sweet Monet

Here are a few more photos from this past weekend. Just had to post a photo of Monet in her mini skirt and Uggs. And this one of her in her car seat I love.

15 January 2007

Monet sprouts a tooth!


Monet's first tooth made a surprise appearence today....couldnt get a photo would'a needed a zoooooom lens!!
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13 January 2007

Uncle Peter is in Town!

Uncle Pete safely made it to Cornish yesterday and of course came bearing gifts for his Nowlan's in NH. Here Miss Monet is with her new pearl bracelet!! It fits her so perfect and looks very feminine!!

I also posted one of her and I at LJN Studios in front of the relief...slowly getting molded away.

08 January 2007

Punk Monet

Okay here is the Eagles Garb and Monet with her new Mohawk!

Monet Louise

Okay I was looking Monet up on the Internet to look at his paintings and found out that his mother's name was Louise....what a coincidence??


04 January 2007

Monet with her Monet Doll

Our good friend Bonnie Watters created this lovely doll for Miss Monet. It's beautifully handmade and just another masterpiece in the Bonnie's Bundles collection.

Monet thinks she is VERY cool, but she will stay on the shelf for a bit longer awaiting the day Monet invites her to tea!

THANKS again Bonnie!