LOL yup the one of Doob's legs hanging over is hilarious!! So sweet! Bald eagle sightings are the best!! Nite nite dada doob! Teelin you look like your mom!
Monet appears to be experienced at binocular use. That will serve her well in her bird watching pursuits! Teelin looks like his Mom, except of course for the distinctive Doobie chin!
HAHA....Doob's legs hanging over the bed are cracking me up! Teelin and Monet are going to be best buds!
LOL yup the one of Doob's legs hanging over is hilarious!! So sweet!
Bald eagle sightings are the best!!
Nite nite dada doob! Teelin you look like your mom!
Monet appears to be experienced at binocular use. That will serve her well in her bird watching pursuits! Teelin looks like his Mom, except of course for the distinctive Doobie chin!
I love the picture of both little ones in the bed...I too have takes many pictures of my girls like that. Teelin does indeed look like his mommy!!!
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