We have so many photos from our time in Philadelphia I had a hard time choosing ones to put up here. We were down there for four nights last week and had a nice time playing with cousins, visiting the Please Touch museum, the Zoo, chowing at a BBQ at Susan's and simply enjoying the area D0ob grew up in and letting Monet and Teelin get a feel of what living in a city would be about.

This is Teelin on his first Carousel ride! He loved it!

Monet at the Zoo posing with the bronze hippos...the real hippos were our holy grail of the day. And because of the MASSIVE crowds and approaching naptime we actually failed in our quest to locate them. So these sculptures worked this time around!

Daddy letting her get a better view of the bears.

Teelin eyeing up Doob's pretzel! He did get some and gummed it down.

Mo and I enjoying Susan's BBQ.

Christina made Monet this flower wreath!

Teelin playing with Doob and Pete.

Back L to R: Doobie, Jeannie, Pete, Christina, Danielle, Teelin, me, Monet, Jeanne, Jennifer, BJ
Front L to R: Christina, Todd, Susan

Us with the McGovern's (where we stayed)
Brett & Sally and their four girls Maggie, Sarah, Annie and Kate

Monet enjoying her strawberry milkshake at Ruby's Diner.
Great pics-so glad you had fun!!
I love the group photos! The first one of Teelin is precious. That milkshake looks YUMMY! Looks like a great time!
So good to have fun touching back with your roots!!!
"No-may" is what Maria calls Monet
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