Uncle Peter came for a quick visit this weekend and it was a visit filled with pumpkins! We left early Saturday and got to the Riverview Farm before it was technically open and chose our pumpkins from the frosty fields.

"Follow me Mommy."

Pete showing his strength...Monet asked him to pick this big one up.


She was workin' it! Was muddy and freezing by the end, but the apple donut for the car ride home made it all good!

Brother shots.

Lovin' the blue car.

Peter's friends Jimmy and Patty were also in the are this weekend and joined us for lunch and pumpkin carving and to the Keene Pumpkin Fest.

500 Llbs!!!

Our creative creations. Even though Monet's got left home by accident....oopps. Was a little sad when she sat there looking at the group of them and looked up and said, "Where's my pumpkin?"

Wow what a day you all had!!!!!!!! Fun FUn fun!!! Poor Monet not having her pumpkin there!! Makes me sad for her! But she can lite her special at home!! Glad you all had fun, to bad it is so darn cold!!
Would love to go next year-looks like soooo much fun!! thanks for the great pics and a kiss to you all!
Wow, what a perfect Fall day! Was your pumpkin the the one with the moon and star carved in it?
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