August brought more hot weather and gave us enough perfect summery days to soak in. Hopefully we can remember to revisit them in our heads during the dead of winter while shoveling snow off the steps.
We invited the Behner's, Nanna & Pop-Pop, and the Wiley's up for a BBQ/pool-party/sleepover. Pop-Pop was away on business, however he was missed! It was the first time baby Norah came to Cornish and we were so happy to have her and dug out the bassinette and a few other "baby" things that had been stored away. The reason I kept them in the first place! We made homemade jalapeno poppers, king salmon, local free-range chicken, had corn on the cob and caperese salad fresh from the backyard! A few of us also enjoyed a bottle of Cabernet that we received as a gift during our trip to Napa last spring.
Louisa, Monet, Norah, Chester, & Teelin
Shot taken after out post-supper walk to the river and gazeebo. Scott had just taken a dip in the CT river! Proof in the photo below.

I think they kind of have the same look on their faces?!?
We found the best pine grove blueberry patch only minutes from our house in Cornish one evening and picked a few quarts. They were so good we went home and made blueberry pancakes for dinner!
The Montshire Musuem of Science in Norwich, VT is really a wonderul science musuem that we visit frequently, and I have posted pics from other pasts visits before. During the summer months they open a water discovery area outside and encourage children and adults alike to get wet as they explore the properties of water. Teelin and Monet were true scientists and dove right in.
so much fun! love the pics.
These updates are great... Our visit feels like only yesterday.
What a fun visit, I will cannot believe Scott Jumped in that river! Fun time! Look how sweet Norah is sleeping on Jill!
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