Per Doctor's orders Monet and I have been "taking it easy". So that means lots of time just sitting outside under our apple trees...picking and tasting a few of course....playing with Sweet Pea, playing in the sandbox and other activities that let mom and baby #2 sit. The apple trees are so plentiful with fruit it is a little overwhelming. We made applesauce yesterday and plan on making a pie today. Our neighbor Farmer John is also going to help us collect sacks of apples to make cider with! His pruning has made the fruit more bountiful then last year.
Great to hear that you are sitting more !! I love the pictures and hope to taste the cider, if you have any left. Am working on getting laundry room all cleaned and organized, as well as getting no longer worn clothes ready to donate. It is a good feeling to do that.
I know how tough it is to follow the Doc's glad it is only for a few weeks and not 20+ weeks like I had when I was prego with Jadyn. I know it is hard, but it won't be long now. Enjoy every bit of "taking it easy" you can now because you will be busy busy busy very soon!!!
VERY True Crystal!! I am glad to hear you are taking it easy!! Good mama!!
The apples look amazing!
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