26 September 2007

Monet the Crazy Lady

We got this alligator at a second hand store and now that Monet is on the run she loves pulling it around the house.! She also plays with the kitty's bed and climbs in it and sits. Here she fell out backwards and was taking a few seconds rest before continuing her busy day of destroying the living room.

We took this portrait ourselves....

And we all love the naked fanny shots...this was her last night getting ready for her beloved bath.

17 September 2007


The other day Monet chipped one of her front teeth :(
We think it was a little sore so her and I shared a popsicle after getting jammies on. The dentist said there was not too much to worry about and that chipped teeth are common in teetering toddlers.

Here she is modeling her biker skull cap and doing a goofy smile for the camera.
She was telling dada that she was ready to help him get his computer set up, but the bag was a little heavy!!!

15 September 2007

Blueberry pancakes for breakfast

Monet was feeling a little under the weather this morning...so we made her some blueberry pancakes. We used blueberries we picked just a few days ago! I think she approved!

09 September 2007

Last Day's of Summer

We enjoyed a quick visit to Long Pond for a few hours of fun in the sun and lake. Monet got VERY sandy in her makeshift sand pile and Dada Doob was very conscious about the UV Rays! Thanks Mum and Ev for a 4 Star lunch!!!!!

04 September 2007

Someone's in the Fridge....

As I was trying to get breakfast ready this morning Miss Monet decided to check what was in the fridge for herself. She stood right there and even smiled for the camera.

She does love her noodles and marinara sauce. She does wear it well doesn't she!