28 January 2009

Cedar Waxwings

Today we were visited by some hungry birds that took roost in one of our trees out back. A flock of Cedar Waxwings sat in the tree only for a few frantic minutes eating what was left of some berries on the branches. They took off in a beautiful formation flying up stream along the river. It was beautiful.

11 January 2009

Happy Birthday Dadda Doob

Teelin looked the part of Eagles fan with his gear on and Pete was doing his best to teach him the play by play!

Uncle Pete came up for Doob's birthday this weekend and both Monet and Teelin enjoyed his company! Monet and I made him a cake and notice the drool on Doob's shoulder and the front pack...he was holding Teeling prior to this picture.

The Nowlan brothers took Monet out in the snow for a while after snowblowing. Pete took a little bit of a digger, but nothing too bad for our Philly Dawg!

05 January 2009

Louisa was practicing her headstand in the middle of Christmas chaos at Nanna's!

01 January 2009

Painting with Monet

Add ImageHere are photos of two of the three paintings Monet completed yesterday. The lighting is lousy as the paintings are much fresher and more vibrant than a flashless photograph could capture.
Enjoy and Happy New Year,
Monet, Inc.

The Artist with "New Years Eve"
The Artist with "Landscape with Monsters"
"New Year's Eve"
Monet with "Landscape with Monsters"

"Landscape with Monsters"