29 June 2009

POOL TIME! (in between rain drops.....)

Teelin James
Teelin and his favorite Gal!
Monet must have been swimming by and stopped to pose for the shot. She is now swimming all over the pool by herself with a little help from her "suit preserver".......

22 June 2009


Monet's dance recital was this weekend and she amazed us all by her stage presence and talent! :) Nanna and Dr. Henry attended with us on Saturday evening and Monet and I went up solo on Father's Day, allowing Doob and Teelin to have some man-to-man bonding time. Monet was finished with her dancing by intermission and her and I decided to sit and watch some of the numbers in Act II. As you can see from these first two photos she was a bit of a wild women and we only lasted for a little bit as an audience member. Her place is on the stage!

15 June 2009

Saint Gaudens in June

Monet, Teelin and I went up and visited Saint Gaudens NHS last week. Monet seemed to remember some of her favorite places, like the reflecting pool and the gilded turtles. I started the National Park Passport books for both of them and can't wait for the to grow up visiting National Parks and stamping the books. I didn't take as many photos as I thought I would, but want to get them dressed up and cleaned up and maybe do a photo shoot up there with them in the gardens?!?

Curator Dr. Henry came and walked with us for a bit and even allowed Monet to play the piano in the little studio...what a lucky to girl to have friends in such high places!!

Teelin was wide eyed looking at some of the larger sculptures. Here he is looking up at the Puriton ( large pilgrim looking figure with open coat and hat ).

08 June 2009

On the Pond

We spent a picture perfect day on the shore of Long Pond on Sunday. Monet and Teelin enjoyed exploring the same grassy edge and sandy floor of the beach at my mom's house that I cherished as a kid...and still cherish as a mommy.

Nanna took Monet for a row boat ride in her little dingy named "RINGY".

01 June 2009

Miss John Deer

On Memorial Day we went to visit with the Saladinao's and their little girl, one of Monet's good pals, received a mini John Deere gator from her grandparents. It was the hit of the party with the 3 yr olds! Monet and Liam were driving buddies and she wanted to go into second gear and he wanted nothing to do with it. It had a battery powered engine and a real "gas" petal and steering wheel. The back actually had a working little bucket that can dump things out!

Ruth came with just one of her little babes - Simon. It was great to visit with her and she is doing a truly tremendous job as a breastfeeding mother of triplets! I feel lucky to be traveling this motherhood journey with her as a friend.

Doobie and Monet showed the others how to play "Potty Time"...their funny named tackle Daddy game.

Mr Teelin was a darling as usual!