18 January 2010

Sledding, Snowmen and the Space Shuttle

The Wheelers came for a visit on Sunday and we took all the kids out in the snow to burn off some steam! Maria and Monet were all about sledding down the hill or rolling down the hill, however, when it came to getting back up they needed a little assistance.

Teelin even got in on the action and as you can see from the smile on his face loved going down the hill. The parent riding with him needed to use their "hand breaks" to both slow and steer as to not give little Teelin and white wash!!

Meet Mrs. Snowman. She was a joint effort and we put birdseed in her hat for our friends the Chickadees.

Where do you think they are headed? I think Maria wanted to go to Spain.

Not the best picture, but cute dolled up girls nonetheless!

15 January 2010

Doobie Birthday Dinner

Teelin, Monet and I took Doobie out of his Birthday and Dr. Henry completed the party. I think him and Teelin must have called each other and said the sweater vest was the way to go for the Common Man!

We hadn't been out to dinner with both the kids for a while and as the dinner progressed and as we slowly lost control of what happened on, under and around our table Doob and I remembered why it had been so long...and will be as long or longer until we do it again. The blue Playdough that got stuck up in Monet's nose and Teelin's loud announcement that he was standing up on the booth cushion all 150 times he did it are just a sampling of our fun Birthday dinner out. Well at least there weren't any dishes!!