30 September 2008


Happy Birthday Kate! Miss you and hope you are celebrating California style!

Pumpkins & Apples

We took a trip to a lovely farm along the Connecticut on Sunday for Raspberries and Pumpkins! Monet loved seeing all the orange globes dotting the field and had a hard time deciding which ones to choose!
Teelin and I in the corn maze.
Yesterday our neighbor came over and started collecting apples from our trees to make cider. Monet and Doobie helped, I was inside nursing :) Monet called Doob "spider man" because he climbed high into the trees and shook the branches so there was an apple rain storm. Amazing how many apples these two trees are producing.

25 September 2008

Week 3 with 2 Kids

Doobie & Teelin relaxed in the glider & got some much needed shut eye!

Our friend Lori sent Teelin this hat! Perfect for keeping him warm during a bath.

Asleep in the big bed.

Dada Doob wearing the sling...and as u can see Teelin is comfy as can be.

And our darling Monet has shown her smile a bit more this week. She loves her baby "brotha" & even called him her best friend!

16 September 2008


Kevin and Jill came over on Sunday and visited with us and made Minestrone soup and Pannini's. YUMMY! Monet helped them in the kitchen of course!

Doesn't it look like Teelin is smiling in this one!!

We are trying to get some photos of Monet and Teeling together to see the size difference between them. So far here are the feet.

13 September 2008

Few more minutes...few more photos

Mom told me she didn't mind me posting this funny picture of her at 6am earlier this week holding her new grandson while I woke up a bit. We were up and about, but none of us were really awake! Wonder if Teelin will get her hair!?!?!

Me with my son and daughter! And Monet with her Big Sister sticker from Aunt Crystal. Thanks for that card Crystal...she loved it!

Teelin in Nanna's arms in his stripes.

Nite Nite

Still learning the art of "gentle" but getting better and better as the days go by. Now if Monet could just master the art of "listening" to her mom and dad we would be on a roll. :)

12 September 2008

A few minutes and a few photos...

Uncle Dan holding Teelin in hospital. He wasn't even a day old. Youngest baby Dan had ever held.

Monet kissing her baby brother on day one. Since then he has received MANY more of these from her!

Brother and Sister finally!

Uncle Kevin made the trip up to see his godson on day two!! Thanks Kevin it was so GREAT to have you there!!

Teelin in dad's arms at home! And as the days pass they are looking more and more alike I think.

10 September 2008

Teelin James MacGregor Nowlan

Aunt Kay Kay took this brief video in the hostpital the other day literally minutes after our new baby was born. Just a little glimpse of Mr. Teelin and his big sister.

04 September 2008

Jr.: 3-D Scan

Yesterday Afternoon Heather and I had to take a little trip up to DHMC for a follow-up Ultra Scan (everything is fine). The nurse was extremely pleasant and along with all the other nervous chatter from the expecting parents, Heather mentioned a 3-d scan. After pointing out that they are usually done at 20 weeks when there is a lot of fluid around the embryo.....she said " hmmm looks like he has a lot of fluid around his face, let's give it a try" Here is the result. Unbelievable...looking forward to meeting this little boy in person.