11 November 2007


Barney has entered our lives and we aren't sure if this is a good thing or not. We sing the songs all day long and in our sleep and Monet seems to want to either watch or look at renditions of Barney ALL THE TIME! Did you know there was a Barney Fan Club? Doobie has mastered drawing the purple dude and Monet asks for him whenever a drawing utensil is in our hands. I need to practice!
She was quite happy with the chalk drawing!
We got three pumpkins a while ago...one for dad, one for mom and one for Monet. She knows which one is hers.


KJW said...

As a matter of fact, there IS a Barney Fan Club! Enjoy!

WildRose said...

I am going to wake LALA up laughing!!
That is so funny! You can thank Nanna for getting her that DVD! Monet is so pretty!

LadyIrish said...

I never thought Barney would be such a hit! Sorry, you guys,the intent was to keep her happy for a while on the plane trip to Ireland!