24 February 2008

Mom n' Monet

Monet dragged Mom into the corner to read her a book...Mom might not be able to get herself back there much longer.

Monet realized shortly there after Mom was'nt feeling to well so she donned her "Tom Waits" hat and.......

started jammin on the piano for her!


LadyIrish said...

Heather-she is so funny that you must laugh at her all during the day!! Thanks for sharing the smile on the blog! Love, Mom (Nanna)

LJN said...

Poppa had to post these...Momma's got a lil Mo'nin sickness!

WildRose said...

Ohh poor momma!! It will pass, Monet is so funny!

LadyIrish said...

Doobie-thanks for the posting!

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KJW said...

Monet is jammin!!