23 May 2008

Monet.....The Sculptress????

After a successful trip to the Doctor's office, Mother and Monet stopped by the studio for a quick visit, too quick. Anyway Monet started in on a new sculpture while Mother watched and Dada Doob talked with a client on the phone. When I emerged from the office, Monet was well into her masterwork.

Here is a shot from Tuesday when Monet received a belated Birthday present from her Aunt "Boing-Boing" Jeannie. A sharp heart covered hoodie and a Ballerina Piggy Bank!


LadyIrish said...

Wow!!!! Such concentration for such a young one! Keep the pictures coming!
Love, Nanna

WildRose said...

What special pictures!! I love them!! Nice job sweet Monet!!
Kay Kay Loves you!