03 July 2008

Visit with the Junkins

Kate and I, along with our girls, went up to Lincoln, NH to visit with the Junkins who are there on vacation. It was a beautiful sunny day in the White Mountains and we enjoyed just visiting and playing with Monet and Louisa.

All that swimming called for a later afternoon snack for Louisa. She is a fan of Key Lime yogurt!!
Monet and Louisa love seeing each other and don't really fight over possessions until they both get tired and are ready for a nap. :) They are such a joy to be around.


WildRose said...

What a great day we had!! It is such joy to see this two little ladies playing together I will be even more fun with a little boy in the mix!!!!!

Buoy Stretcher said...

that is so awesome, Monet must have felt like she was at home with the pool!!!

KJW said...

Love the one of Aunt Katie and the girls.