03 August 2008

Behind the scenes

Well it has been two years in a row we have subjected Nanna to "Olde Time Photos" with Louisa and Monet. This year was as hectic as the last, but the we were able to get one photo that was decent. And nobody fell off props, we only broke one headband, only had to switch positions three times and Nanna was still smiling with sweat trickling down her back. Will next year be any easier....?

Doesn't she make a great little flapper??

Notice Katie in the doorway biting her lip thinking to herself "That guy had better take the picture in the next 30 seconds or we are losing Louisa for good....take the picture....take the picture....take the puicture..."


LadyIrish said...

These are great!!! I love seeing Kate in the doorway-and we did lose Louisa who could not figure out at all what was going on!! Poor baby. She will laugh about it in the future. Cannot wait until next year!

WildRose said...

LOL!!!!!!! I am laughing really hard at the moment!! I was not laughing at the time of this photo shoot! Mom you are a really trooper to do this! So fun and the pics sure are worth it, Lets hope baby Nowlan # 2 is ready for it next year:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather! I missed seeing you at Mario's new school opening and the unveiling of Doobie's bas relief. Everyone loved your husband's work and it was a very touching ceremony. It appears that you are very near the end and on to the new beginning! I miss you still but see how darn happy you and yours are. Monet is precious! I will see you soon. Cynthia