08 October 2007

Learning to wash her hands

We have been trying to instill the idea of washing hands before we eat. So I pushed a stool near the sink and Monet now enjoys sink play....two bars of soap, the toothbrushes, and anything else she can reach. Her hands eventually do end up clean!!


LadyIrish said...

The stool gives her access to the soap and water-and she will figure out that it will give her access to lots of other things up high! Clean hands certainly mean better health!
Love, Nanna

LJN said...

She's a RASCLE!!!

KJW said...
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KJW said...

Good job Monet! I know a couple of adults you can teach when you have it mastered... ;)

LadyIrish said...

too funny Kev!

Anonymous said...

Nurse Jill thinks that this is a great idea!

WildRose said...

Wow she is getting so so big, and acting like a big girl!!

Buoy Stretcher said...

as i tell Katie about Louisa, "...babe she's doing that human thing..." so cute!!!